
Models are the middleware between the application and the database, you should define all the relations, getter/setter attributes, and anything related to the database in there.

Request Cache#

Request cache allow you to cache queries results for the current request, it uses the array driver to cache the results per each request.

You can disable caching for the current model by setting the $requestCacheEnabled property to false.

Runtime cache manipulation#

You can disable\enable\clear the cache on real time for specific builder by calling these methods:


These methods are chainable, meaning that you can call them while building your query:

Model::DisableCache()->where('name', 'Mohammad')->get();

Criteria Scopes#

Most of the time you want to search your query base on the front-end criteria, we have built a common used methods to filter/search/order by criteria and add them as a query scopes.

These methods are:


Only fillables are filterable/searchable by default, to override this behavior, define $searchables or $filterables or $sortables properties in your model and fill it with the desired columns.

If you want to use fulltext search instead of like search, you should define your fulltext columns in the fulltextSearch array in your model:

    protected ?array $fulltextSearch = [
            'firstname', 'lastname',

Each array inside $fulltextSearch represent the fulltext indexes that will be used inside the match query.

You may search in a relationship that has a fulltext search index.

    protected ?array $fulltextSearch = [
        'posts' => [

Although when searching in a relationship you may only search at one index or composite index, this means the following wouldn't work

    protected ?array $fulltextSearch = [
        'posts' => [

Both syntaxes may be combined to search locally and in relationships.

    protected ?array $fulltextSearch = [
            'firstname', 'lastname',
        // can't search in different indexes.
        'parents' => [
            'firstname', 'lastname',

In simple and most common scenarios MYSQL will provide an order based on the relevance of the results of full text search results, for more complex queries you will be required to

Relation filter/search#

To filter\search base on a relation you can define the relation name as the key and their columns as the value:

    protected ?array $filterables = [
        'roles' => [

Runtime manipulation#

You can define what filterable/searchable/sortable at run time by calling these functions:


Or append to the array that already defined in the model:
